Gary Scott (ゲイリー・スコット) is a playable character from the Windjammers series. He is a former American football and a representative from the USA.
Characteristics and Analysis[]
Scott is one of the heavyweights, along with Wessel, which generally translates in-game to slow movement, a big hitbox, low recoil, and fast, powerful shots. But where the German compensates for a very slow walking speed with a long dash, Scott is not given the same advantage, so he will be the character with the worst mobility in the game, which makes him particularly vulnerable defensively and will ask extreme rigor to anyone who wants to master it, it will also be worth it to be depreciated by the players and considered by many as the absolute low tier.
Consideration reinforced by his rather readable although powerful super custom, it will very rarely surprise seasoned players, except on bumper fields. Another important point is his weak dexterity, said like that one could think that it is a weak point, but in reality it is a huge strong point because a weak dexterity means that it will be easier to Scott to go to the net in case of a toss. On the other hand, he will find it difficult to return his opponent's super with another (reversal).
+ Quick shots
+ Hitbox correct
+ Good range of effects
+ Good resistance (little recoil)
+ Super powerful shots
+ Super very fast charging
+ Unquestionable class
- Low mobility
- Super Custom lisible
- Difficulty performing reversals
Offense is clearly Scott's forte. He has the fastest normal throw on average surpassed only by Wessel in the first frames after landing the Frisbee. He therefore maintains an acceptable throwing speed, which allows him to be able to delay his shots while remaining dangerous.
But Scott's strong point in attack, combined with his shooting speed, are his very varied effects and adapted to all terrains. Scott's effects are not very pronounced but can have very surprising rebounds. As a general rule if the bounce on the wall is on the outside of the curve, the disc will leave on the opposite side of the wall, on the other hand if it bounces on the inside of the curve, it will tend to stick to the wall.
Another strength of Scott, as mentioned above, will be his ability to get to the net in the event of a successful toss due to his low dexterity value. So it will be easy for you to position yourself well and choose the most relevant throw according to your position and that of your opponent.
Super duels are also a great option for Scott, due to his high power and high resistance to recoil, he will be at an advantage in this situation, and particularly in the exchanges of super lobs in short, constantly pushing his opponent in the direction of his cages and forcing him to replace himself between each throw, so it will not be uncommon to see his opponents forced into their net.
Scott's defense is unquestionably his weak point. He moves very slowly and also doesn't have a very long dash, so it's imperative to always get back in the center and dash often to catch opponent attacks as well as get back up after each throw. However, be careful not to dash too much and be sure of what you are doing because a dash rushed in the wrong direction is the almost guaranteed goal for the opponent.
In general, Scott will very often stand in the baseline, to strike his powerful shots from afar and will only move on the vertical axis to defend. Its great resistance will allow it to stand relatively far back to have time to react and cash supers without being pushed into the cages.
On the other hand, if the opponent gets too close to the net, Scott's large hitbox will allow him to also go up to the net to cut him off the trajectory. However, use it sparingly and pay attention to possible lobs, to which Scott is particularly vulnerable, especially on large pitches, as well as to offsets, if the opponent has mobility, he could then attempt a passing shot for you get around.
And finally a technique that will be crucial to master in order to play Scott well is the famous "shifted toss" which will be the only way to achieve a toss most of the time. In theory the execution is as follows: Direction+A. The faster the 2 inputs are executed, the greater the range of the toss will be, sometimes even giving the impression that the character is teleporting like Goku-like instantaneous movement or managing to stop a Frisbee that is not at all on his path.
I first specify that all commands are given as player 1, ie when the character is on the left of the screen. and that each of the effects, without exception, has a symmetrical equivalent on the horizontal axis. For more details on this subject, see the page dedicated to effect throws .
“Along the line” effects Manipulation : ↑↗+A et ↓↘+A
These two symmetrical effects will respectively shift your disc slightly up and down relative to your position to end their trajectory straight forward. This is a rather simple effect to achieve on an arcade stick because the last input is wedged in the corner of a square guide. It can be very effective on both small and large pitches in different situations.
It can be used, for example, to aim for the edge of the field if you are about one character away from the wall. But you can also play on the ambiguity of a rebound by making it appear that the disc is going to go along the wall but by making it rebound on the latter, and set off again in the opposite direction.
It can also be a good service option on a small court even if easily tossable.
Counter-foot effects Manipulation : ↖↑+A et ↙↓+A
Attention, not to be confused with the "wide angle" of some characters, because it may seem similar but the manipulation to achieve it is different due to the low value of "curve power" of G. Scott.
Assuming that you are on the side of a wide field ( Lawn and Stadium ) this effect will send the disc completely to the opposite corner of the field and will therefore zone your opponent, forcing him to move to receive, it is a great option when you're stuck to the wall of a wide pitch so you don't send the disc back into the middle of the pitch, to alternate with shooting straight up the wall, so you're not too predictable.
But where its use gets really interesting is when it bounces off the wall. This will have the effect of sending the disc to the opposite side and surprise your opponent by creating what is called an "against foot" effect. Usable on all terrains, both small and wide, provided you are well positioned, this effect is undoubtedly the most devastating of the character but also one of the most difficult to achieve, it will require some practice. .
It's also a great serve option on a wide court, creating just that counter-foot effect when executed from the start position.
“Sticky” effects Manipulation : ↗→+A et ↘→+A
This effect starts its course straight in front of the character and then deflects to one side or the other depending on the direction of the manipulation (↗→ deflects downwards, and ↘→ deflects upwards).
What is interesting with this effect, beyond its trajectory, is the fact that in contact with a wall, it will tend to bounce very weakly and follow it to finish its course in the corner of the field, very useful therefore to avoid throwing in the middle of the field, which you want to avoid most of the time to be effective in attack and force your opponent to move.
It will also be an excellent service option on small pitches by going to stay in a corner of the opposing court, but also on Clay (clay) where it will bounce between the bumpers, which will cause a surprising and difficult to predict rebound.
“V-bounce” effects Manipulation : →↗+A et →↘+A
This effect will go directly to one side or the other, accentuating its curve more and more until it hits a wall, in any case it may not encounter a wall in its path, except if it is intercepted by your opponent in the meantime.
This effect will not be used much in general with Scott, except for bumper terrain where it can offer interesting possibilities depending on your position. It nevertheless has the advantage of having an animation that resembles the sticky effect previously described but does not have the same behavior at all, the curve being much more pronounced and moving farther away from the wall on the rebound, it will be able to therefore possibly be used to mix with the latter.
Super custom
Super lob Super Spin
Specific Tips[]
From an offensive point of view, Scott has all the keys to be dangerous on this ground, the counter-foot effects will work provided you are well placed and not abuse it to surprise your opponent Beach is one of Scott's favorite grounds. It reduces Scott's low mobility, be careful though it will be common to be surprised by a rebound on the wall and the slightest dash in the wrong direction will be fatal! Patience will therefore be the watchword here and knowing perfectly the trajectories of each throw and each effect of all the characters will be the key to success.
On paper it's the worst field for Scott with Stadium, it's very wide, the dashes are laborious, for Scott who is very slow, it will require a fairly colossal effort in defense, it will be essential to keep your defensive position well, the slightest error in placement will expose you to immediate punishment. But when it's harder to defend, it's naturally easier to attack too, and that's where the effects of our dear hamburger eater come into their own. He will be able to easily zone and drive his opponent crazy with his effects and some of his well-known effect services will still surprise the best players. Its custom is also much more effective on these wide terrains. The "against foot" effect will be more than useful on this ground,
Very fast terrain where you will have to be very careful with your attacks, especially avoid playing on your opponent, all the more so when you are on the side and he is in the middle and all the more so against light characters who play in the middle of the field. field, do not hesitate to send shots straight to the edges of the field, the other options in this case being very risky. Scott's effects will be an almost indispensable weapon here.
One of Scott's favorite fields if I may say so, his custom can often surprise with rebounds on the bumper sometimes impossible to predict and which often offer a free 5 point. In addition, this ground does not detract from his serve against foot on wide ground. Scott's throwing speed will be a definite advantage over Concrete as long as you use the bumpers well. With experience and helping luck, you will be impregnable on this terrain.
Some excellent serves on this court but nevertheless quite difficult to execute given that they play a lot on deadlines. You should know that for each shot, for each effect, the speed of the throw (and therefore the delay before pressing A) will play a role on the trajectory, even if small, these variations can change a rebound on a bumper at all everything. It is very difficult to master this aspect of the game well and it will often be played by feeling. A certain strategy on Clay is to rush at the net, at the bumpers to cut off any unwanted rebounds, you can try but I do not recommend this strategy with Scott because it is far too easy to lob or pass him. Instead, stay on your support from the baseline and consider that your half of the field is the only one that exists. Don't hesitate to do your custom when it makes sense, the bumpers can often give you a good boost in these moments like on Concrete.
And finally, Stadium, almost the same as Lawn, Scott will have to zone a lot, keep his defensive position well, kick as soon as he can to position himself well and place his effects.
Although in the "heavyweight" category, Scott's hitbox isn't actually larger than the "middleweight" hitbox, or even smaller in most of the character's stanzas. It is stable, only varying for the dash.
Scott throws very hard, his discus throw literally splits the wind around!
- Gary is the only character to wear as only protection a pair of knee pads and a simple tank top (red or yellow depending on the side), unlike the other characters who all wear a kind of breastplate.